Traditional Menus and Decoupled Architecture: Upcoming Talk with Brian Perry

Brian Perry

Thanks to the recent Decoupled Menus initiative, Drupal users can now use the same Drupal backend menu interface to build and update the navigation structure for their decoupled frontend applications.

TheDropTimes (TDT) recently spoke with Brian Perry, an expert in decoupled Drupal and coordinator of the decoupled menu initiative, to gain insights into his experiences leading the initiative and the benefits it brings to those building headless Drupal websites. Brian works as a Senior Technology Consultant (Staff Engineer) at Pantheon.

In the interview, Brian explained that decoupled menus are not much different from traditional Drupal menus, as the menu data used by the decoupled menus endpoint is the same data used by traditional menus, but it is exposed in a way that can be used in a different context, like a JavaScript application. The initiative's main focus was addressing limitations related to sourcing menu data from Drupal core and providing tools to make better use of this data outside of Drupal.

For content editors, decoupled menus offer a way to customize menus using the Drupal admin interface and see the results reflected on the frontend site. The functionality is beneficial for sites with complicated hierarchies or those closely tied to frequently updated content.

Stay tuned for the complete interview, where Brian Perry will talk about a new feature as part of the Decoupled Menus initiative, the concept of decoupled menus, the main benefits of using the new Linkset API endpoint, and so on. The interview will be published on TDT on the 4th of February, 2023.

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