Drupal Community Gathers to Discuss Non-Profit

The May Drupal for Nonprofits Chat, is planned for Thursday, 18, May, 2023 at 1pm ET / 10am PT. These calls are regularly scheduled. NTEN hosts a monthly event for nonprofit Drupal developers and users to come together and discuss various subjects relevant to Drupal and its uses in the nonprofit industry. This free call is sponsored by NTEN and open to everyone. 

The virtual event invites participants from around the world to join in the conversation and share their insights on the theme of local development environments. This month's chat aims to explore the best practices, challenges, and tools associated with setting up and maintaining local development environments for Drupal projects. The May Drupal for Nonprofits Chat continues to be an inclusive and inviting forum for all Drupal aficionados, regardless of expertise level. 

In an effort to encourage collaboration and gather input from the community, attendees have been invited to share their specific queries, ideas, and experiences in advance. A collaborative Google doc has been provided (https://nten.org/drupal/notes) for participants to contribute their thoughts and shape the discussion.

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