Accessibility Important for Public Sector Websites: Annertech

Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash

The article “The Power of Accessibility: Saving Councils Money and Boosting Service Delivery” by Annertech highlights the benefits of implementing accessibility measures on local government websites. Writer Alison Visser emphasizes how such measures not only improve the experience for people with disabilities but also yield cost savings and enhance overall service delivery. Mark Conroy, Annertech’s Director of Development, tackled this topic in Eolas Magazine.

Alison starts by acknowledging the growing importance of digital accessibility in today’s society, with an increasing number of people relying on online services. It emphasizes the responsibility of local government bodies to ensure equal access to these services for everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

By making websites and digital platforms accessible, councils can reach a wider audience, including those with disabilities, thus increasing their user base. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings as more citizens can access information and services online, reducing the need for costly in-person or phone-based interactions. Moreover, accessible websites tend to have improved search engine optimization, resulting in higher organic traffic and potentially reducing advertising expenses.

The article also highlights the positive impact of accessibility on service delivery. Accessible websites enable individuals with disabilities to independently access services and information, eliminating barriers and reducing the need for assistance.

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