Si Robins Advocates Assessment Planning for Effective Digital Strategy

Austin Distel / Unsplash

Si Robins, Director of Business Development at Four Kitchens, emphasizes the significance of assessment planning in securing a stable future for organizations' websites. Robins highlights the role of assessment planning in enabling data-driven decisions regarding website design, content strategy, and user experience. He notes that unless there is a recent rebranding or faced with a technological hurdle like a Drupal 7 migration, organizations often struggle to articulate goals for a project.

Robins introduces the new addition to the Continuous Care program, which offers an expanded view of website support by incorporating qualitative and quantitative data through surveys, stakeholder interviews, and workshops. Emphasizing the benefits of assessment planning, the approach aims to identify issues and capitalize on opportunities for website enhancements, providing a fiscally responsible roadmap for organizations. 

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