Drupal Accessibility: Part 5 - Images

Mylene Tremoyet on Unsplash

Dutch Open Projects has released the fifth instalment of its blog series titled 'Drupal, accessibility and WCAG – Part 5: Images,' providing valuable insights into the accessibility and WCAG support of images within Drupal. With a focus on core functionalities for single images and those from the media library, the blog aims to assess how much Drupal aligns with WCAG 2.1 AA standards. The importance of adding alternative text to images for accessibility is underscored, emphasizing the necessity of differentiating between informative, decorative, functional, and complex images. 

While the HTML specification doesn't mandate the alt attribute, it is indispensable for WCAG compliance. The challenge lies in ensuring that editors can specify the type of image and provide appropriate alternative text, particularly when using a media library. Drupal facilitates this process by allowing editors to add images via a toolbar or a specific image field, enabling them to upload new images or select from the media library.

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