Evolving Drupal's Layout Builder into Experience Builder

The Drupal community is set to transform the Layout Builder into the Experience Builder, aiming to enhance its usability, broaden its functionality, and introduce in-browser theming capabilities. In a recent blog post, Dries Buytaert highlighted the evolution of Drupal's Layout Builder since its introduction in 2018 and the pressing need for further improvements. 

At DrupalCon Lille last year, the "Next Generation Page Builder" initiative was announced, led by Lauri Eskola. Building on user feedback, the initiative has expanded its scope, incorporating basic theming capabilities and renaming itself as the "Experience Builder.

After extensive research and discussions, the Drupal Core Committers decided to enhance the Layout Builder while integrating key elements from the Paragraphs module. The goal is to create a unified solution for layout design, page building, and theming, ensuring Drupal remains a leading choice for site builders. Collaboration and contributions from the community will be crucial for the success of this initiative.

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