"Drupal at your Fingertips" Now an Official Drupal.org Listing

Drupal at your fingertips now on official Drupal.org listing

"Drupal at your Fingertips," authored by Selwyn Polit, a Senior Drupal Developer at Mighty Citizen, is now listed as an official Drupal book on drupal.org. This electronic publication is designed for intermediate to advanced programmers and site builders, focusing on Drupal 10.x. 

It serves as a quick code reference and includes contributions from the broader Drupal community. Spanning 100 pages, the book delves into API usage and custom development. Available for purchase, Selwyn encourages sharing among the Drupal community to foster enhanced learning and development. More information and purchasing options are available on the book’s official website and through mainstream online retailers.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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