SymfonyWorld Conference to Begin Tomorrow

The fourth edition of the international online SymfonyWorld conference 2022 Summer Edition will begin tomorrow. The two-day conference will be entirely online.

Several online workshops panning two days preceded the conference, starting on June 14, 2022, and ending today. 

There will be two parallel tracks at the conference. Fabien Potencier will deliver the Keynote address at 13.30 IST on June 16, 2022. Symfony, PHP and Drupal developers, and other IT professionals could attend the meeting. 

Track A includes sessions such as  (Re)discover the Symfony Console by Jérôme Tamarelle, An SSO with Keycloak and Symfony by Laurent VOULLEMIER,  API-Platform and Symfony’s Kernel Events: An in depth look by Denis Brumann, on day 01 and  PHP toolbox - How to improve code quality and deliver faster by Marcin Czarnecki,  Little-known Symfony components that are worth a look by Alexandre Daubois,  Symfony and open source at the service of society by Titouan Galopin Controlling Smart Light Bulbs with Symfony Console and PHP by Sherri Wheeler, and Symfony UX: New Components, Live Twig & More Updates! by Ryan Weaver on day 02. 

Track B consists of sessions such as Demystifying Bundles by Jan Schädlich,  SULU - An introduction to a Symfony enterprise CMS by Oliver Kossin,  Writing Testable Symfony Apps by Anna Filina, API Platform, third act by Mathias Arlaud, and Developing a decentralized web application with Symfony and API Platform by Kévin Dunglas on day 01 and What’s new in Symfony 6.1? by Nicolas Grekas, The Single-Page Application Dilemma by William Pinaud, When you get lost in API testing by Paula Čučuk, and How to optimize background processes - when Sylius meets Blackfire by Łukasz Chruściel on day 02 of the conference. 

A detailed schedule can be accessed from:

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