Jess (xjm)

Jess or xjm has been on Drupal for over 15 years with over 1000 documentations. She is a Drupal core release manager at Acquia. She is an expert at web development, tech support, research and restoration ecology.

Jess has been a Drupal core committer, security team member, Drupal core initiative coordinator, mentoring coordinator, Drupal core sub-system maintainer, project contributor and Documentation editor. She is a developer, mentor and Tiger herder. She has been credited on 42 security advisories and 185 issue fixes in the last year.

She has been a part of multiple DrupalCons and was a Drupal 8 committer. She has contributed patches, Drupal modules, automated texts and helps mentor new contributors. She has also worked on multiple Documentation guides like core release cycle, core change policies and more.


If you're stuck on Drupal 7, contact HeroDevs about the Drupal 7 Never-Ending Support product to stay on a fully supported and secured version of Drupal 7. HeroDevs professional services can also help you migrate to new versions of Drupal.HeroDevs is the end-of-life partner of the open web. When an open source author sunsets a major library or version of a library, HeroDevs provides solutions to companies that are stuck on that library. HeroDevs offers Never-Ending Support products (NES) that are fully supported and secured forks of the original unsupported library, and profession...
Salsa Digital
Salsa Digital is a digital agency focused on open source for social good and innovation. Salsa Digital has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Committed to the open-source movement and to the communities that form such an integral part of that movement, they are actively involved in both the Drupal and GovCMS communities at different levels, such as contributing back code and hosting Drupal meetups. Salsa Digital focuses mainly on helping the Australian government drive change, become more efficient and better engage with citizens and industry through their websites. Servic...

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