The Book Module is Deprecated and will be Removed in 11.0.0

The Book Module is Deprecated and will be Removed in 11.0.0.

The Drupal team has announced that the Book module is deprecated and will be removed entirely in the upcoming version 11.0.0, starting with its deprecation in Drupal 10.3.0. Spokje, who posted the change record on April 4, 2024, advises users who rely on the Book module to look into recommended alternatives. 

"It’s been a long long long time since I had the Drupal core Book module enabled on any site I’ve built. So long, and thanks for all the fish."

noted Michael Anello on LinkedIn.

While the decision affects site builders, administrators, and editors, updates to the online documentation and guides for developers and themers are still pending. More detailed information and support for those affected by this change can be found on Drupal's official website, marking a notable transition for users accustomed to using this module.

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