Upcoming Interview with Adam Varn

Adam Varn - Lullabot

Prior to Florida Drupal Camp, TheDropTimes (TDT) is running a series of interviews with the organizers and some of the speakers in the camp. You will be able to read about the speakers' Drupal journey, what their training and session will comprise, and a little insight into their tech journey. Our second interview is with Adam Varn. Most of these interviews are conducted via slack or email by the team TDT.

Adam is one of the co-leaders organizing Florida Drupal Camp 2023. He started with Drupal in 2008, running his solo Drupal shop. Now Adam is a front-end Developer at Lullabot. Apart from that, he is an active participant in Drupal events and currently takes over as co-lead for FLDC.

In this interview, Adam Varn shares his formative years, when he wrote game reviews for a local ISP and got paid in video games! A journey down the nostalgic lane, it is fun to read and inspiring too.

Stay tuned for the interview, where we discuss the genesis of FLDC, tech burnout, the future of Drupal theming, and the wonderful community of people Adam has connected with over these years. The interview will be out on February 10, 2023.

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