Discover How You Can Help Shape MidCamp 2023

Are you looking to get involved in planning the upcoming MidCamp 2023? MidCamp is a Drupal-centric event that brings together the community to share ideas, learn, and network.

MidCamp is looking for people to join the team and help make an event a success. Whether you are a Drupal developer, designer, marketer, or just passionate about Drupal, there is a place for you on the MidCamp 2023 planning team. All the planning and communication take place remotely, so you don't need to be in Chicago to join in.

If you are interested in being part of the team, join the MidCamp-organizers channel on the MidCamp Slack team. You can access the section by visiting and joining the conversation. The organizers use the Huddle feature to coordinate and organize their efforts, so watch for upcoming hurdles.

MidCamp is happening on April 26-28, 2023. This Chicago-area event brings together the open-source Drupal content management software's designers, developers, users, and evaluators.

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