How ‘Microsites’ Helps in Managing Multiple Sites

Microsites is a stand-alone system that allows organizations to centralize the control of all their digital assets

Dublin-based Drupal service provider, Annertech has published yet another informative blog. The blog post explains the relevance and uses of Microsites. Microsites is a stand-alone system that allows organizations to centralize the control of all their digital assets. The blog is written by Mark Conroy, Director of Development at Annertech.

The Microsites platform is an innovation introduced by LocalGov Drupal. LocalGov Drupal is a community of developers, content designers, and digital leaders from local councils across the UK. The platform aims to solve several problems faced by local councils.

Microsites use a single code and database, by which only one site is needed to host and maintain multiple microsites. This feature helps the councils to connect and centrally handle all their service areas.

According to Mark, Microsites comes with five essential features:

  1. One Installation
  2. Centralized Control
  3. Flexibility
  4. Easy to Manage
  5. Excellent Content Editor

These features make it fit for the use of organizations beyond Local Councils. Any organization that requires numerous content-rich pages can opt for it. 

According to Mark, Universities, Political Parties, Multinationals, City or County Councils, and Sports Bodies will find it handy in solving their challenges on the web. The blog post says that the Microsites platform solves its problems by bringing all the websites into one manageable instance. To know more about LocalGov Drupal and Microsites, visit the official LocalGov Drupal website.

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