Chapter Three Explains Key Takeaways from DrupalCon Pittsburgh

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The article "Hot Takes from DrupalCon Pittsburgh," published in Chapter Three, summarizes key insights and takeaways from DrupalCon Pittsburgh. DrupalCon was a major conference for the Drupal community. The author, John Faber, highlights several noteworthy topics discussed during the event.

The author provides insight into the activities promoted by Chapter Three at the event. He also delves into the company's Next-Drupal project and the discussions that happened around it. Apart from that, John discusses the key points from Dries Buytaert's keynote address and important topics like Pitch-burgh.

The article also touches upon sessions highlighting the importance of Drupal's headless future. During his session, Pantheon co-founder Josh Koenig pointed out that Next.js websites have already outnumbered Drupal websites. According to the article, DrupalCon Pittsburgh also instilled confidence in developers to move forward with the headless Drupal endeavors. Click here to read the blog post.

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