Join the Promote Drupal Committee: Amplify the Community!

If you're passionate about Drupal and want to make a positive impact on its community, here's an opportunity you won't want to miss. The Promote Drupal Social Media and Communications Committee are actively seeking enthusiastic individuals to contribute their skills and creativity to amplify Drupal's presence across various platforms.

Ready to dive in? Join the conversation on the #promotedrupal-social-media-and-comms channel on Drupal Slack. Here, you'll find like-minded individuals eager to share their insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects that make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned Drupal veteran or just starting your journey, your perspective is invaluable.

So, why wait? Your expertise, passion, and voice can contribute to shaping Drupal's narrative and impact. Join the Promote Drupal Social Media and Communications Committee and help make a difference today!

For more details and to connect with fellow Drupal enthusiasts, head over to the #promotedrupal-social-media-and-comms channel on Drupal Slack. Your journey of active contribution and collaboration begins here.

Note: The vision of this web portal is to help promote news and stories around the Drupal community and promote and celebrate the people and organizations in the community. We strive to create and distribute our content based on these content policy. If you see any omission/variation on this please let us know in the comments below and we will try to address the issue as best we can.

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