Essex County Introduces Local Offer Website for SEND Families

Special needs child with family

In the case study, "How the new Essex SEND website was tailored for its users", Annertech comprehensively discusses Essex County Council's innovative website, Local Offer, aimed at revolutionizing access to support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). The new website, designed in collaboration with technology partner Annertech, offers an intuitive platform to help individuals navigate through a range of services and resources tailored to their specific needs. 

The Local Offer website, built on the LocalGov Drupal (LGD) platform, provides a user-centric experience that addresses the challenges faced by SEND families in the past. With a focus on usability and accessibility, the website allows users to easily discover local support services, from support groups to specialized healthcare. An innovative 'did you mean' prompt assists users in finding accurate information even when they misspell search terms, catering to individuals with diverse needs.

One standout feature of the website is its expansive directories, enabling users to access detailed information about venues and facilities. For caregivers, this means having a clear overview of the amenities available for children with special needs, aiding in effective planning and decision-making. Furthermore, the 'suggest an edit' feature empowers users to contribute to the accuracy of information on the platform, fostering a collaborative and up-to-date resource.

The successful launch of the new Local Offer website marks a significant achievement for Essex County Council, aiming not only to enhance accessibility but also to positively impact the region's Ofsted rating. With the new platform meeting high usability and accessibility standards, it has enabled residents and professionals in Essex to efficiently access vital information, reducing the need for direct council interaction.

The collaboration has not only transformed the digital landscape for SEND services but also exemplifies a best-in-class model for other regions to emulate. To know more about the venture, kindly go through the case study.

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