Win a Free Ticket to DrupalCon Europe at Drupal Day Portugal!

Drupal Day Portugal 2023 - Aveiro

Excitement is brewing in the Drupal community as Drupal Day Portugal gears up for an unforgettable event this September 15 at Aveiro. Attendees at this conference have a golden opportunity to snag a free ticket to the highly anticipated DrupalCon Europe! 

The rules for this thrilling chance are refreshingly simple: while at the conference, attendees need to take a spirited selfie with the iconic Lil'Rooster, the mascot of the most anticipated DrupalCon Lille. Then, they should share their moment of triumph on social media, tagging @DrupalConEur and including the hashtag #DrupalConLille in their posts.

This initiative is more than just a contest; it's a brilliant fusion of community engagement and cultural celebration. As attendees capture their cherished moments with the Rooster, they'll be spreading the word about DrupalCon Europe, which is set to take place in Lille, France. The free ticket to DrupalCon Europe is the perfect icing on the cake, ensuring that one lucky participant will have the chance to experience the largest Drupal event in Europe without any cost. 

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