SEMI Partners with Specbee for Multilingual Drupal 9 Transformation

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SEMI, the leading microelectronics industry association, joined Specbee to embark on a transformative digital journey. The goal was clear: to remodel their digital landscape, redesign several online properties, and introduce new functionality. The main problem was merging multiple sites, languages, and functionalities to provide a cohesive user experience.

The work encompassed a comprehensive spectrum. This included redesigning sites in alignment with SEMI's brand reveal, migrating numerous web properties across various languages to Drupal 9, and providing ongoing support for multiple sites. The collaboration also entailed supplying consulting and infrastructure guidance. A central aspect of the transformation was introducing a new platform that streamlined user experience across digital sites, empowered by optimised language options for location-specific content.

Navigating these challenges, Specbee leveraged the power of Drupal 9's multi-site and multilingual capabilities. This strategic move was supported by a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process, ensuring swift and error-free feature rollouts. Custom modules were developed where necessary, ensuring a tailored fit for SEMI's unique needs. The migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 was orchestrated seamlessly, a testament to Specbee's expertise in migration approach.

The partnership culminated in a revamped digital ecosystem that not only aligned with SEMI's brand but also unified user experiences, enhanced navigation, and optimised lead generation efforts. For an extensive read, visit the website.

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