PHP in 2023: A Continuing Force in Web Development

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The venerable server-side scripting language, PHP, continues to demonstrate its relevance in web development, as outlined by Purity Muriuki in a recent article in Tubetorial. With an impressive track record from 1995, PHP powers around 80% of websites worldwide, including heavyweights like Facebook, Wikipedia, and WordPress. Its widespread adoption is attributed to its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and high-performance capabilities, making it a preferred choice for giants like Facebook, Mailchimp, and Slack. Moreover, the active PHP community, ongoing language enhancements, and abundant learning resources affirm its enduring significance.

Notably, PHP's latest iteration, PHP 8, introduced substantial upgrades in 2020, including JIT compilation for improved performance, enhanced type declarations, asynchronous programming support, and support for union types, effectively aligning it with contemporary programming languages like Python and JavaScript. Furthermore, PHP's foothold in the enterprise sector remains strong, with 78% of companies generating over $10 billion in revenue incorporating PHP into their technology stacks. This enterprise adoption can be attributed to PHP's scalability, affordability, and compatibility with legacy systems, making it a trusted solution for business-critical applications.

The presence of mature open-source frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, along with popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal, underscores PHP's role in driving down web development costs and accelerating project delivery. Symfony, a PHP framework renowned for its modular architecture and robust set of components, is the top choice for large-scale web applications, with major players like Spotify, Oracle, and Amazon Web Services leveraging its capabilities. Furthermore, as reflected in LinkedIn's emerging jobs report, PHP skills remain in high demand in the job market, positioning PHP development among the top 10 emerging jobs. The ease of learning, cost-effectiveness, and a vast pool of PHP developers contribute to the language's enduring relevance in 2023 and beyond.

Read more about PHP with "The Ongoing Relevance of PHP in 2023 and Beyond."

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