A Not-so-Tech Keynote on Leadership at DrupalCon by Sarah Furness


At DrupalCon, one of the most anticipated aspects is the diverse content range beyond just technical talks. The keynote "Fly Higher" by Sarah Furness is a perfect example of this, jolts Mike Madison from Acquia about his Day 2 DrupalCon experience.

While the event primarily focuses on technology, Sarah Furness, a retired Royal Air Force (RAF) helicopter pilot and squadron leader, shared her unique perspective on leadership. Her experience leading soldiers in combat zones and addressing the same leadership challenges faced by many managers brought a refreshing perspective to the conference.

Attendees were surprised by how relatable her stories of leadership challenges were, resonating with those transitioning from individual contributors to managerial roles.

Furness emphasised essential takeaways, highlighting that people around us often share the same fears and doubts. Her keynote shattered the myth that leaders are immune to fear, emphasising the importance of being open and vulnerable. Furness encouraged the audience to take the first step in fostering open communication and leading fearlessly.

A session
Sarah Furness during her keynote, Fly Higher | Source: Acquia| LinkedIn

While not directly technical, this insightful keynote from Sarah Furness provided invaluable leadership lessons and highlighted the human side of leadership in challenging situations. To read more about the keynote and other sessions in DrupalCon Lille, visit the blog post.

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