MidCamp 2024: Save the Date for Drupal Enthusiasts!

As Thanksgiving approaches, so does the anticipation for MidCamp 2024, the Midwest Drupal Camp set to take place at the DePaul University Student Center from March 20-22, 2024. Drupal enthusiasts, developers, and tech enthusiasts are encouraged to mark their calendars for this exciting event.

The MidCamp team has outlined a tentative timeline leading up to the main event. The Call for Speakers kicks off during Thanksgiving week, providing an opportunity for individuals to contribute their insights and expertise to the Drupal community. Following closely, the Call for Sponsors officially launches on November 27, allowing interested parties to support and get involved with MidCamp. For those eager to take part, there's no need to wait—sponsorship inquiries are welcome anytime.

The deadline for the Call for Speakers is December 22, with the Speakers and schedule set to be announced in mid to late January. As the Drupal community eagerly awaits MidCamp, the organizers are reaching out for volunteers to join their dedicated team. No technical expertise is required; volunteers committing just an hour a week from November through March can contribute to the success of the event. MidCamp is particularly seeking assistance in marketing and project management, although tech-savvy individuals are also welcome.

Prospective volunteers can join the MidCamp Slack and connect in the #midcamp-organizers channel. Once on board, volunteers will be assigned tasks and rewarded with Drupal credits.

For those looking to maximize their engagement with MidCamp, sponsorship opportunities are available. With a few new perks and an ongoing sale until the end of the year, sponsors can secure enhanced exposure for their brands. The earlier sponsorship is secured, the greater the exposure received.

To become a sponsor or learn more about MidCamp 2024, visit Sponsor MidCamp | MidCamp. Join the Drupal community in Chicago next March for an event that promises valuable insights, networking opportunities, and the celebration of all things Drupal.

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