Insightful Design Systems Meetup at iO Campus Amsterdam

The latest multidisciplinary meetup, "Design Systems," is set to take place on January 17, 2024, at iO Campus Amsterdam, inviting professionals from diverse backgrounds to delve deep into the realm of design systems. 

The event promises an evening of enlightening discussions on the evolution of design systems, color accessibility, Figma component tracking, and fostering stakeholder appreciation. With an engaging lineup of speakers representing prominent organizations, attendees can anticipate a thought-provoking exploration into the intricacies of design systems. 

Furthermore, the gathering offers a platform for inclusive learning, accompanied by delectable refreshments, within the welcoming ambiance of iO's Coven of Wisdom, emphasizing the significance of sharing tech insights across the digital landscape. Attendance is free, and registration guarantees one of the limited 75 spots, ensuring an enriching experience for all participants.  

RSVP here.

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