Evolving Web Hosts Free Happy Hour Tech Meet-up in NYC

Free Tech Happy Hour Meet-up - NYC

A Free Happy Hour Tech Meet-up will be held in New York City on May 13, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT. The event, primarily aimed at professionals from the tech, UX, and higher education communities, offers a fantastic opportunity for attendees to network and discuss industry trends. Scheduled to take place in Midtown Manhattan, the exact location will be announced shortly.

The meet-up welcomes developers, designers, strategists, marketers, and managers, providing a perfect setting for individuals interested in the NYC tech and web scene to connect, share ideas, and potentially find collaborators for new projects. Evolving Web organizes the event and caters to Drupal, web development, higher education, and web design community members.

For questions or suggestions regarding the meet-up location, attendees are encouraged to contact Maya Schaeffer at [email protected].

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