Jürgen Haas Announces ECA 2.0.0-beta1 Release for Drupal

Jürgen Haas Announces ECA 2.0.0-beta1 Release for Drupal

Jürgen Haas, Co-Founder and Drupal Specialist at LakeDrops, has announced the release of ECA 2.0.0-beta1 for Drupal, marking a milestone in the lead-up to the final ECA 2 release. This beta version introduces several major improvements and new features designed to enhance the functionality and performance of Drupal sites.

ECA 2.0.0-beta1 requires a minimum of Drupal 10.3 and PHP 8.1. The update includes extensive code clean-up and refactoring, with all linters passing for the complete codebase. Additionally, the team has removed all deprecated usages, achieving PHPStan level 6 compliance. A notable enhancement is the dynamic event subscriber mechanism, which now subscribes only to relevant events on each Drupal site, reducing overhead and simplifying the addition of new event plugins.

The release also features 74 new plugins, including 13 events, 2 conditions, and 59 actions. A total of 157 issues have been resolved, comprising 39 new features, 57 tasks, 54 bug fixes, and 7 miscellaneous improvements. Furthermore, dynamic tokens provided by events are now exposed to the user interface and detailed in the ECA Guide. Significant and breaking changes are documented in the change records, which can be accessed through the provided links.

Jürgen encourages the Drupal community to review the release notes and test ECA 2.0.0-beta1 on their Drupal 10 or 11 sites. He emphasizes the importance of feedback to ensure the final release is robust and reliable. The team aims to publish the ECA 2 version within the next three weeks. For more detailed information and testing instructions, read the full post by Jürgen Haas.

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