Drupal 9: Riding Towards Automation

The New Drupal 9 has been empowered with a lot of new exciting features to keep your site more secure. Also included are improved visitor privacy protection, enhancements to the Olivero frontend theme and early support for WebP image front.

Drupal 9 also has better migration tools from Drupal 7. Since more than half of the Drupal websites still run on the D7 version, this is a welcome addition.

Improved Visitor Privacy Protection

The new improved version takes into consideration the need for increased protection of website visitors’ privacy. Cookie-less user tracking by Google Federated Learning of Cohorts(FLoC) has been blocked by default.

Changed Default Frontend Theme

Olivero has replaced the old default frontend theme Bartik, revamping the whole look and feel . With it also comes enhanced accessibility features confirming to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 standards.

Symfony New Release Compatibility

Drupal 9 has many features getting it ready for v10 such as compatibility with Symfony 5 and future release Symfony 6. To improve accessibility of the tour feature in the frontend, jQuery Joyride feature in Core has been replaced with Shepherd JS.

D7 Migration Tools

Migration from Drupal 7 has been made less difficult with the help of previously missing pieces like expanded migrations for user settings, node/user reference fields et cetera.

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