Key Takeaways from DrupalCon NA 2024 on Open-Source AI

Key Takeaways from DrupalCon 2024 on Open-Source AI
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Beth Gunter's recent blog post on Spry Digital shares her insights from DrupalCon North America 2024 in Portland, Oregon, focusing on the keynote address “Open-Source AI Must Win” by Alex Salkever. Beth highlights the vibrant discussions and the cooperative spirit of the Drupal community. 

The keynote underscored the importance of open-source AI, emphasizing its transparency and collaborative nature instead of the opaque and controlled nature of proprietary AI systems. Alex argued that open-source AI allows for scrutiny and trust, as its code and data sources are accessible and subject to peer review. In contrast, proprietary AI lacks transparency, making its outcomes less reliable. 

The keynote also addressed the accountability of AI users in verifying the information they rely on. Despite significant investments in AI by major tech companies, there is a growing recognition that open collaboration can drive more significant advancements. Beth left the conference with valuable insights into emerging technologies and Drupal's evolving potential, eagerly anticipating the next DrupalCon.

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