Overcoming Challenges in Migrating to Drupal 10

Overcoming Challenges in Migrating to Drupal 10

Joshi Consultancy Service shared a blog post on "The Biggest Challenges in Drupal 10 Migration and How to Overcome Them." Launched in December 2022, Drupal 10 offers enhanced performance, better security with automatic updates, and a new accessible administrative theme, Olivero. However, migrating to Drupal 10 presents challenges, notably with deprecated modules and custom code. Deprecated modules from previous versions may not be compatible with Drupal 10, causing functionality issues. Solutions include using the Upgrade Status module to identify and replace these modules with suitable alternatives. Custom code can also pose compatibility issues; refactoring and testing are crucial steps to ensure smooth migration. Performance consistency is another concern; pre-, mid-, and post-migration monitoring helps identify and address potential dips. Despite these challenges, the benefits of Drupal 10—faster performance, improved security, and inclusivity—make the migration worthwhile.

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