Configuring Nginx for Drupal 10 and PHP-FPM: A Comprehensive Guide

Configuring Nginx for Drupal 10 and PHP-FPM: A Comprehensive Guide

Doug Bierer from Zend detailed the process of configuring Nginx for Drupal 10 and PHP-FPM in a recent blog post. Doug highlighted the robust performance and stability that Nginx offers when paired with Drupal 10 and PHP-FPM, but also noted the configuration challenges involved. The blog provides a comprehensive guide starting with the basics of the Nginx setup, and includes troubleshooting tips for common issues such as homepage misconfigurations, 502 Bad Gateway errors, and 404 Not Found errors. Doug also covered file permissions, security configurations, and other essential settings to ensure a seamless setup for Drupal 10 in a production environment.

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