DrupalCamp Colorado 2024 to Feature Keynote by Lynn Winter

DrupalCamp Colorado 2024 to Feature Keynote by Lynn Winter

DrupalCamp Colorado will begin this year with a keynote address from Lynn Winter, a seasoned freelance digital strategist. The event will take place from Thursday, July 25, to Friday, July 26, 2024, and attendees will have the opportunity to engage in various sessions and community activities.

Lynn has worked with Drupal since 2008 and specializes in information architecture, user experience (UX), and content strategy. Her keynote is anticipated to provide valuable insights into these areas, drawing on her extensive experience in the field.

The two-day event is designed for networking, learning, and applying knowledge. It is free to attend, making it accessible to many participants, from beginners to experienced professionals.

For more details and to register, visit the official DrupalCamp Colorado website.

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