Nominations Open For Drupal Association Board Member 2021

Drupal Association will be holding elections soon for the “ At Large Drupal Board Member” Seat for 2021. The post is for two years and will be to fill the vacancy created by Leslie Glynn. Pedro Cambra who was elected last year has one more year to serve. The only eligibility criteria to be a nominee is to be an individual Drupal Association member.

The nominations will close on 27th September, 1900 UTC. The Drupal Association Board of directors oversee the finances. They also make sure their strategies align with the association’s mission through and DrupalCon. The Drupal Association’s mission is to unite a global open source community to build, secure and promote Drupal.

The Drupal Association Board consists of about eleven to fifteen members. Members will need to be able to dedicate around five hours per month to the work associated with the organization. This excludes efforts related to fundraising events or other such associated work.

The members meet every alternate month. Owing to the pandemic, the two day retreats that used to take place have been suspended temporarily. The board members are expected to attend at least ten of the twelve meetings in a year.

Who can vote this year?

All individual members can vote. Though membership fee is not mandatory, members can support through donations. The Drupal Association Board Elections will be using the free and open source voting system-Helios Voting Services. The voting time has been extended up until DrupalCon Europe is over. This should increase voter participation.

Some of the board member responsibilities include serving on the Board as a trustee to the donor contributions. Members also ensure that the Drupal organization meets all the legal and ethical requirements for non-profit and tax-exempt organization standards.

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