Chapter Three Partners with Vercel to Provide Next-Drupal

Chapter Three Managing Partner, John Faber announced on March 22nd, 2022 that Chapter Three is now part of the Vercel Partner program.

Vercel (formerly ZEIT) is a platform for frontend frameworks and static sites built to integrate with headless content, commerce or database. In 2021, they had raised $102 million in a Series C funding to accelerate Next.js adoption.

Vercel CEO, Guillermo Rauch who is the original author of Next.js helped launch the project on GitHub in 2016. Next.js is an open-source front-end development web framework that provides functionality that includes server-side rendering and generating static websites for web apps. It powers React, an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces that is maintained by Facebook and a community of developers and other companies.

Chapter Three will now be able to provide clients with decoupled Drupal services using Drupal and Next.js. Next-Drupal built by Chapter Three will help provide real-time instant editorial experience on a Next.js front-end. Next-Drupal is available on Vercel as a one-click project install on Drupal.

Ticketmaster, TikTok,McDonald’s. IBM, Uber, Staples and Marvel are some brands in e-commerce, travel, media, and marketing sectors that use Vercel among their 25, 000 customers.


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