What Can You Do During Your Free Time at DrupalCon Portland 2022?


DrupalCon Portland is all set to begin today, but what can you do after the planned sessions for the day are over? Here is a list of fun activities for you to take part in.

DrupalCon 2022 Run

Blake Bertuccelli, the co-founder/CEO of EduPack, is hosting DrupalCon 2022 Sunrise Run on the four days of the event. A write-in ballot will be given to everyone that participates in the run. They can write down their favorite organization or cause to which they want a donation to be made. One ballot means one vote, so the more you join the run, the more votes your cause gets. On the last day, a $150 donation will be made to the cause or organization with the maximum votes.

The run will be at 6:00 am PDT at the Japanese American Historical Plaza.

For the route of the run, visit: https://equalify.app/run/

Rave Night

Acquia is organizing a rave night at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry on 26th April 2022 at 7:00 pm PDT. After an exciting day at DrupalCon Portland, you can go groove to live-coded music by Algorave DJs. This is your chance to connect with friends, eat, drink and relax.

Acquia is also giving out an Oculus Quest 2 giveaway to one of the attendees with a wristband. The draw will happen during the rave, and the attendee must be present to receive the giveaway.

All you need to get into the event is your DrupalCon Conference Badge or a wristband from the Acquia booth. 

For more details and registration, visit: https://www.acquia.com/rave-night-at-the-museum

Board Game Night

Have a fun-filled Board Game Night at the Mox Boarding House on 26th April at 7 pm. The event is organized by members of the Drupal diversity and inclusion initiative and sponsored by Pantheon.

For registration and location details, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/board-game-night-mox-boarding-house-tickets-320959688067

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