Drupal Developer Job at IT Minds LLC

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Hybrid
Organization : IT Minds LLC
Location :
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Job type : Full-time
Posted on : June 26, 2024


  • Conceptualizing creative ideas with clients.
  • Testing and improving the design of the website.
  • Maintaining the appearance of websites by enforcing content standards.
  • Designing visual imagery for websites and ensuring that they are in line with branding for clients.
  • Working with different content management systems.
  • Communicating design ideas using user flows, process flows, site maps, and wireframes.
  • Designing sample pages including colors and fonts.
  • Preparing design plans and presenting the website structure.
  • demonstrating and receiving feedback about draft sites
  • keeping up to date with recent technological and software developments
  • software/programming languages such as HTML and Javascript
  • digital retouching and image editing
  • Proven software development experience in PHP
  • Understanding of open source projects like Drupal , Joomla etc.


Required Skills

  • Drupal Developement
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript


IT Minds LLC
IT Minds LLC provides the resources for long and short-term contracts. It also offers various product services. Information Technology , Pharmaceutical , Regulatory Affairs and Health Care Staffing, Product Development, On-site Customer Services, etc. are some of our services. We have over 15 years of experience placing information technology professionals in permanent positions and consulting assignments. At any level, on any platform, we provide quality professionals in quality positions. We always look forward to long-term relationships with our client compa...

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Drupal jobs are available?
Explore a variety of Drupal job roles, including developers, themers, site builders, project managers, and more.
How does Thedroptimes.com support Drupal professionals?
Thedroptimes.com offers the latest Drupal news, events, job listings, and resources for Drupal professionals. Explore the platform for insights into the Drupal community and career opportunities.
How can I stay updated on new Drupal job vacancies?
Stay updated on new Drupal job vacancies by subscribing to job alerts on Thedroptimes.com, following relevant hashtags on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, and regularly checking job boards and company career pages.
What career paths are available for Drupal professionals?
Career paths for Drupal professionals include becoming a Drupal developer, Drupal themer, Drupal site builder, Drupal project manager, Drupal architect, or moving into roles such as solution architect or technical lead.
What industries or sectors commonly hire Drupal professionals?
Industries or sectors commonly hiring Drupal professionals include technology firms, digital agencies, government organizations, educational institutions, healthcare companies, and non-profit organizations.