Steve Worley

Hi! I'm a full-stack web developer with a keen interest on service oriented architecture and am an advocate for API development best practices. I have been developing web applications professionally for 10 years and specialise in using open source technologies that utilise PHP, MySQL and various Javascript frameworks. I have Worked with many leading open source systems, namely Drupal and Wordpress, and I contribute back to the community either via code releases or sharing knowledge.

I am passionate about all parts of application development, from design and UX through to performance monitoring and optimisations. I enjoy working with the latest technologies and being a mentor to others around those technologies.

In my professional career I have focused on building solutions with Drupal and have worked with various integration layers. Some of the most prevalent being the govCMS CKAN module which utilises a data backend to produce dynamic visualisations.

In my personal time I am more general and use other PHP frameworks to help facilitate my frontend applications. Backend applications have been typically written with the Symfony and Laravel frameworks, while frontends typically leverage React, React Native, Angular and VueJS.


Advanced Topics in Decoupled Drupal (DrupalCon 2018)


Tech Lead
Salsa Digital
Salsa Digital is a digital agency focused on open source for social good and innovation. Salsa Digital has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Committed to the open-source movement and to the communities that form such an integral part of that movement, they are actively involved in both the Drupal and GovCMS communities at different levels, such as contributing back code and hosting Drupal meetups. Salsa Digital focuses mainly on helping the Australian government drive change, become more efficient and better engage with citizens and industry through their websites. Servic...
QuantCDN is an all-in-one static web and Jamstack solution.Generate and serve a static representation of your existing website from our global edge network instead of routing through expensive backend infrastructure, CMS applications and databases.Use our turnkey CMS plugins to automatically track and push content when it changes.Integrate seamlessly with popular static site generators and the Jamstack ecosystem.Learn more about QuantCDNDrupal contributionsUse the QuantCDN Drupal module to easily push your Drupal site to a static version hosted on QuantCDN.We provide lifetime free...

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