Lullabot Podcast Explores Structured Content with Drupal on Iowa.Gov

In a recent episode of their podcast series, Lullabot delves into the transformative impact of structured content with Drupal on Iowa.Gov. Episode 262 features host Matt Kleve engaging in an exciting conversation with Dawn Connet, a representative from the Office of the CIO from the state of Iowa, and Greg Dunlap, Director of Strategy at Lullabot. The discussion highlights the significance of structured content and its pivotal role in the groundbreaking work being done on Iowa.Gov, a government website powered by Drupal.

The podcast episode provides listeners with an insightful exploration of the importance of structured content within the realm of web development and content management. By adopting a structured content approach, Iowa.Gov has been able to revolutionize its website and deliver enhanced user experiences to citizens.

Structured content involves:

  • Organizing information in a systematic and reusable manner.
  • Enabling efficient content creation.
  • Management.
  • Distribution across multiple platforms.

This method allows content creators to separate the presentation layer from the content itself, facilitating greater flexibility, scalability, and consistency in website management.

Listeners are encouraged to access the podcast episode to better understand the transformative potential of structured content and Drupal in government website development. Users can access the episode directly and immerse themselves in the engaging conversation by clicking here.

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