Drupal Core Addresses Module-Theme Name Conflict

Security Update

Drupal Core version 10.2.0 significantly changes the Drupal content management system, resolving a long-standing issue. Before this update, it was possible to install a module with the same machine name as an already installed theme and vice versa. This seemingly innocuous quirk could lead to complications, with hooks being called only for one of the two extensions sharing the same name.

To tackle this issue, the ModuleInstaller and ThemeInstaller have been updated. During the installation process, they now check whether a theme or module with the same name already exists. If such a conflict is detected, they promptly throw an ExtensionNameReservedException, halting the installation process. This modification ensures a smoother and more robust Drupal experience for site builders, administrators, editors, module developers, and theme developers.

This change focuses on practicality and efficiency, simplifying the management of modules and themes, reducing the risk of conflicts, and ensuring a smoother development and maintenance process for Drupal users and developers. Detailed information can be accessed here.

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