Drupal 9 to 10 Upgrade: Expert Guidance by Andrey Rudenko

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With Drupal 10's release in December 2022, organizations are eager to ensure their content management systems (CMS) are current. In his recent article on ADCI Solutions titled "Drupal 9 to 10 Upgrade", Andrey Rudenko provides essential insights into the Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade process. Rudenko's detailed guide sheds light on this crucial migration's complexities and key considerations.

The article begins by addressing the time required for the upgrade, ranging from 20 to 200 hours, depending on various factors such as content volume, modules, and themes. Rudenko then delves into the importance of upgrading to a newer Drupal version, comparing it to revitalising a neighbourhood. Outdated Drupal versions become vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, compromise functionality, and pose challenges for hosting and third-party service integration.

The author highlights the improvements in Drupal's upgrade process, thanks to semantic versioning and Composer package management. This approach enhances backward compatibility, making transitioning to Drupal 10 smoother than past major upgrades. He provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide for the Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade, emphasising the need for technical compatibility, patch application, and code modernisation. The article also offers valuable tips, including tools like PHP_CodeSniffer and the Upgrade Status module, to ensure code quality and compatibility.

Andrey Rudenko's article on ADCI Solutions is a resource for organisations looking to migrate to Drupal 10, offering a systematic approach to tackle this critical endeavour. Read more here.

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