Deciding Between Drupal and WordPress in 2024

In a world where 66.2% of the global population are active internet users, as reported by DataReportal, the choice of CMS directly impacts the ability to engage this vast audience. WordPress currently powers 40.6% of the top 10 million websites, while Drupal, although with a smaller market share, is preferred for websites with complex needs and high traffic volumes. 

As the question of whether to opt for the ubiquitous and user-friendly WordPress or the robust and scalable Drupal remains, Valuebound steps in to provide insights in its blog post, 'Drupal vs. WordPress – What's Best for Your Business in 2024?' Through nine real-world scenarios catered to decision-makers in the marketing tech stack, Valuebound offers a data-driven analysis, aiming to provide a clearer perspective on aligning CMS capabilities with enterprises' strategic goals and operational needs. 

The decision between Drupal and WordPress hinges on aligning the CMS capabilities with an enterprise's specific needs and strategic objectives, significantly influencing its digital strategy and organizational adaptability.

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