DrupalTO Meetup Recap: Insights from DrupalCon Portland 2024

DrupalTO Meetup Recap: Insights from DrupalCon Portland 2024

Drupal Toronto Community recently held a successful meetup on May 21st at the CSI Spadina in Toronto, where local Drupal enthusiasts gathered to discuss the highlights and developments from DrupalCon Portland 2024. The event, hosted by Aidan Foster and Pierre Marcel, ran from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM EDT and featured presentations by community members Laura Johnson, Joanne Crone, Andrew Mallis, and Harsheeta.M. These presenters, who attended DrupalCon Portland, shared their personal insights and key takeaways, offering a deep dive into the sessions, keynotes, and networking experiences from the conference.

DrupalTO Meetup
DrupalTO Meetup | Source: LinkedIn

The discussion was thoughtfully prepared by Pierre Marcel, who encouraged attendees to contribute questions and topics in advance, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging dialogue. Key topics included a demo of the Starshot project by Laura Johnson, and an exploration of new collaborative editing tools in CKEditor Pro and its open-source alternative, detailed in Palantir's blog. The meetup also covered interesting AI chat implementations, including one by the Martin County Library System, and insights from the Healthcare Summit, particularly the integration of OpenAI and Pinecone in WebMD Ignite's search functionalities. Laura also did a demo of the ECA modules which is a replacement for the old Drupal Rules module.

Laura and Joanne
Joanne Crone and Laura Johnson| Source: LinkedIn

The meetup saw active participation and vibrant discussions. Following the presentations, attendees continued their conversations over drinks at Hotel Ocho, further fostering community connections. Special thanks were extended to Kalamuna for sponsoring the event and providing the CSI space. Detailed information and a recap of the event can be found on the DrupalTO LinkedIn page, celebrating the collaborative spirit and dedication of the Toronto Drupal community.

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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