Key SEO Strategies for Drupal in 2024

Seo analytics team concept illustration
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Golems's latest blog post, "The Leading SEO Principles for Drupal in 2024: Tips for Marketers," provides a detailed overview of essential SEO strategies for Drupal websites. Highlighting the evolving landscape of SEO, the post emphasizes the importance of user intent analysis, AI-driven search enhancements, and user-centric interfaces. 

It discusses Drupal-specific SEO features such as clean URL structures, meta tag management, and schema markup. It outlines mobile-first SEO strategies, including AMP support and responsive themes, and recommends advanced SEO modules like Metatag, Pathauto, and Redirect. The article underscores the need for future-proofing SEO practices, particularly with voice search optimization, to maintain a competitive edge in digital marketing. 

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