Drupal 2024 Trends: Key Updates and Future Directions

Drupal 2024 Trends: Key Updates and Future Directions

Golems has released insights into Drupal's anticipated trends for 2024, highlighting the growing influence of Generative Artificial Intelligence and other technological advancements. The upcoming release of Drupal 11, expected in mid to late 2024, will feature enhanced Symphony integration and continuous improvements in headless CMS frameworks, PHP development, and cybersecurity standards. 

With Drupal 7 support ending in 2025 and the introduction of Drupal 12 anticipated by 2026, the community is focused on maintaining a six-month release cycle and addressing ongoing bugs. New features include advanced design patterns, intelligent applications, automated testing, and accessibility-first principles. The platform's future enhancements will also involve integrating IoT devices and smart chatbots and adopting PHP 8.4 for better performance. 

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