Step-by-Step Guide to Ajaxify Anchor Links in Drupal 10 Using Drupal Ajax API

Anchor link use Ajax

Yogesh Kushwaha provides a detailed guide on how to Ajaxify an anchor link in Drupal 10 in his article published on Bhimmu. The tutorial explains the process of transforming any HTML link into an Ajax link, allowing data fetching without refreshing the page. It covers creating a custom controller class to render a link, registering paths, and using the Drupal Ajax API to handle asynchronous requests. 

The step-by-step instructions include code examples for setting up routes and controller methods to manage Ajax responses, demonstrating how to dynamically update webpage content. Yogesh emphasizes the importance of attaching the 'core/drupal.ajax' library to ensure functionality. This guide aims to simplify the use of Ajax in Drupal without the need for writing custom JavaScript or jQuery.

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