Drupal Meetup Toyota: Join the Conversation on July 10, 2024

Drupal Meetup Toyota: Join the Conversation on July 10, 2024

Drupal enthusiasts are invited to the upcoming Drupal Meetup Toyota online on July 10, 2024, from 08:00 to 09:00 pm JST (Japanese Standard Time). This event is designed for individuals interested in Drupal, an open-source content management system (CMS), providing a platform for interaction and knowledge sharing.

Drupal is a globally supported digital data platform widely adopted by major corporations and government agencies. In Japan, Drupal has been utilized for site renewal and consolidation by companies developing multilingual, multi-platform brands and for university website updates, leveraging its open-source advantages.

The meetup welcomes Drupal technologists, digital marketing professionals, and anyone interested in Drupal and open-source technologies. Attendees can expect presentations and discussions on the latest trends in Drupal technology.

Join the Drupal Meetup Toyota to connect with fellow Drupal enthusiasts and learn more about Drupal's impactful applications in various industries.

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