20th Drupaljam Celebrates Milestone with Keynotes and Collaboration

Drupaljam 2024 Open Up with Dries Buytaert on stage

Jean-Paul Vosmeer, COO and founder of React Online shared a detailed recap of the 20th edition of Drupaljam, which took place at DeFabrique in Maarssen. The event, attended by 330 Drupal enthusiasts, featured 25 speakers and two keynotes, including a special appearance by Drupal's founding father, Dries Buytaert, who discussed the "Past, Present, and Future of Drupal." 

The event also included Open Up sessions focusing on the collaboration and future of Open Source, with notable contributions from Mathias Bolt Lesniak and other community leaders. The day concluded with a keynote by Rens van der Vorst on technology's impact, followed by a 20th-anniversary BBQ and a PubQuiz competition. Jean-Paul highlighted the dedication of the five volunteers who organized the event, emphasizing their hard work and team spirit. More details are available on Jean-Paul Vosmeer's LinkedIn post.

Here are a few photographs from the event shared by Jean-Paul Vosmeer. The photos are by Mario Gerssen and Eelco Romeijn.

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