Tag1's Highlights from DrupalCon Portland 2024

Landmark, Portland Oregon

A blog post titled "Tag1's Recap of DrupalCon Portland 2024: Gander, Migrations & Human Connections" by Jeremy Andrews on Tag1 Consulting highlights key moments from the event at the Oregon Convention Center. Over a thousand attendees, including twenty-eight Tag1 team members, participated in the four-day conference. 

A major highlight was the introduction of Gander, a new performance testing framework for Drupal, presented by Janez Urevc during the Initiatives Keynote. Gander, developed with the Google Chrome team, addresses long-standing needs for automated performance testing and is now integrated into Drupal Core. 

The conference also focused on preparing for the Drupal 7 to 10 migration, with Mauricio Dinarte and Michael Meyers providing strategic guidance. The event emphasized the importance of human connections, with team members enjoying professional sessions and local culture, underscoring the community aspect of DrupalCon.

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