Drupal Trivandrum June 2024 Meetup: Key Insights and New Module Launch

Drupal Trivandrum June 2024 Meetup

The Drupal Trivandrum Meetup for June 2024 was successfully held on the 29th of June at Cafe Coffee Day, Kowdiyar, Thiruvananthapuram. Organized by Anish A and Anto Jose, the event brought together a diverse group of Drupal enthusiasts for an evening of engaging discussions and networking. The informal setting fostered a collaborative atmosphere where participants could reconnect with old friends and make new connections while delving into intriguing Drupal topics.

"The monthly meetup of DrupalTVM helps Drupal developers of Thiruvananthapuram to stay connected with the community. We conduct sessions that help us understand new happenings in the Drupal ecosystem, share tips and tricks, and in general, have a fun time."

said Anish A, the lead organizer.

The sessions kicked off with Jaisen Nedumpala's detailed presentation on how the Local Self Government Department (LSGD) of Kerala (a state in India) uses Drupal. He discussed the current implementation, the benefits it brings to government operations, and future directions for this adoption. Jaisen is renowned as the one who initiated Open Street Mapping in Kerala which was then widely adopted. His insights were further enriched by Sebin A Jacob, Editor-in-Chief of The DropTimes, who shared his perspectives on the topic, providing a broader context to the discussion.

DrupalTVM Meetup
DrupalTVM June 2024 Meetup| Source: Anish.A

Following this, Anish A. offered practical insights on upgrading from Drupal 7 to the latest version. His session was particularly valuable for attendees looking to modernize their Drupal installations. Anish also took this opportunity to announce the release of his new module, Cookie Compliance.

Cookie Compliance is a newly developed tool designed to integrate comprehensive cookie compliance features into the Drupal websites of Humanity. co. This module simplifies the implementation of essential cookie compliance codes, ensuring websites adhere to privacy regulations. As compared to other popular Drupal modules like EU Cookie Compliance, cookies, and Cookie consent, the Cookie Compliance module stands out for its advanced and thorough integration capabilities.

Anto Jose introduced the Starshot Initiative, explaining how individuals can contribute to this exciting project. While his talk was informative, it did not immediately inspire attendees to join the initiative, but it sparked interest and awareness about global Drupal contributions.

The meetup also saw participation from attendees such as Binny Thomas and Razeem Ahmad from Axelerant, and Krishna R.P from Zyxware Technologies. Anish A joined the meetup with his wife, Deepthi and their child.

The event featured an open discussion on preparing for and attending DrupalCon Asia in Singapore, covering scholarships, volunteering opportunities, and travel plans. This segment provided practical advice for those planning to attend, making the conversation relevant and beneficial for the participants.

"Our next goal is to organize a contribution sprint." 

concluded Anish A.

Organizer Anto Jose expressed their aim to continue hosting these meetups regularly, fostering a strong local Drupal community in Trivandrum. The event concluded with a call to action for more members to join and contribute, encapsulating the spirit of the Drupal community: "Come for the code, stay for the community!"

Disclosure: This content is produced with the assistance of AI.

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