Drupal Mentoring Taipei


This is a Taipei-based group interested in learning Drupal.

Whether it’s your first time learning Drupal or you’re a general hobbyist, all levels are welcome!

Who you are:

  • For friends who have yet to learn what Drupal is, this is your chance to meet in person and understand its potential and usage worldwide.
  • I know the learning curve is steep for friends who have just landed their feet into Drupal’s world, so let’s give each other a hand and support one another!
  • For friends who are Drupalers and PHP enthusiasts, feel free to hop in and network to know your local friendly Drupal buddies.

You may find us online for Drupal Taiwan
如果你想更多地了解 Drupal Taiwan,可以在下方的網路平台找到我們:

Online presence:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/drupaltaiwan
Drupal Slack Channel (#drupal-taiwan): https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C9ZD7HK50

使用Drupal 建置過的案例


知名藥廠:Pfizer(輝瑞)、Moderna(莫德納)、Johnson & Johnson(嬌生)


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