Network of European Drupal Associations (NEDA)


Let's meet other Drupal Associations in Europe to share experiences and explore ways to support each other with knowledge and other resources.

At DrupalCon Prague 2022, multiple boards from different countries came together to talk. The different boards have a lot in common, but also face specific challenges due to their different national laws and context. There is a change for us to support and help each other to sustain our associations. During the upcoming meetings, we would like to get to know the boards in Europe and explore the common difficulties we face. Perhaps we will find ways to help each other.

So let's meet up!

More information

'Various European Drupal Associations' Members to Network' Read the article on The Droptimes.


Meetings are held every two months. Please join the Slack channel #europe-local-assoc for more updates.

  • 13-02-2023, set up by Esmeralda Tijhoff
  • The next meeting will held on Monday 17th April, from 7pm to 8pm CEST. Set up by Marine Gandy/Mupsi, reach out for an invite or join he channel for the Jitsi link.

Latest Network of European Drupal Associations (NEDA)

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