Unlocking Enterprise-Wide Transformation: Insights from Jan Pilhar on Harnessing AI Power


The  recent episode of the Agile Digital Transformation Podcast by Jan Pilhar, the Executive Director at IBM iX DACH and Co-Leader of their Digital Advisory Practice DACH, delves into the crucial subject of harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for comprehensive business transformation. The discussion centers on the unique possibilities and challenges posed to larger enterprises as they grapple with AI implementation in contrast to their small and medium-sized counterparts.

One pivotal topic in the conversation revolves around the decision-making process between "buy vs. build" when it comes to implementing AI models within an enterprise. Jan Pilhar highlights the significance of best practices for larger organizations in navigating this choice effectively. Furthermore, the conversation wraps up by providing insights on how to drive a more holistic approach to AI transformation rather than isolating it within silos. The episode also offers some valuable general tips for optimizing an enterprise's AI strategy.

Jan Pilhar emphasizes  the importance of striking a balance between speed and prudent decision-making, advising against hasty actions driven by fear. This episode provides a wealth of information for organizations looking to leverage AI effectively for their enterprise-wide transformation. Listen to the podcast here.

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