2024 Splash Awards Open for Drupal Project Submissions in Germany and Austria

2024 Splash Awards Open for Drupal Project Submissions in Germany and Austria

Submissions for the 2024 Splash Awards Deutschland und Österreich, honouring outstanding Drupal projects in Germany and Austria, are now open until July 31. Celebrating its sixth year, the awards recognize excellence in open-source digital projects and have become a prestigious event in the Drupal community. This year’s ceremony will take place on November 7th in Berlin, marking the first time the awards are hosted in the capital city.

The Splash Awards, originally inspired by the Dutch Drupal community in 2014, have expanded internationally, with Germany joining in 2017. Previous ceremonies have been held in various cities, including Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Mannheim. The awards highlight the best Drupal projects and foster a sense of community and innovation within the open-source ecosystem.

The event is an excellent opportunity for developers and organizations to showcase their work and gain recognition within the industry. Visit Splash Awards for more details and to submit projects.

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